Safe Method For Resolving The “Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly” Issue

Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

Developers have reported encountering the “Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly” when attempting to launch the MySQL server via the XAMPP web server control panel. Occasionally, a failure to connect to the database on a WordPress website may occur as a result of MySQL not being operational or an unexpected shutdown.

In this article will discuss how to fix the “Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly” issue in the XAMPP server without losing a single data from your MySQL database.

Step 1:

Some people could suggest you delete/replace the “data/backup” folder from MySQL. Inside those folders, there has a file called ibdata1. If you delete this file you could destroy all of your databases. So, STOP deleting or replacing the “data/backup” folder, particularly the “ibdata1” file.

Step 2:

Rename mysql/data folded to mysql/data_old ( you can choose any name for “data_old” you want )

Step 3:

Create a new folder name as mysql/data.

Step 4:

Copy all files from the mysql/backup folder to the “mysql/data folder.

Step 5:

Copy all your database folders that are in the mysql/data_old to mysql/data except mysqlperformance_schema, and phpmyadmin folders.

Step 6:

Copy the ibdata1 file from mysql/data_old and replace it inside mysql/data folder.

Finally, start MySQL from the XAMPP control panel.

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